The Romulans are a cunning and intelligent race, and their starship commanders are no less so. Their tactics range from hit and run to head on assault; prepare for anything! • The standard Romulan ship is the WARBIRD, a light cruiser which carries phasers and torpedos. (Only phasers in the Cadet's Game.) By itself it is no match for the Enterprise (as long as you defend yourself), but in packs they can overwhelm you before you know what's happening! • The Romulan SUPERHAWK is a new ultra-modern heavy cruiser. (Does not appear in Cadet's Game.) Not much is known about them except that they are extremely powerful and only a few were built. It is rumoured that they are equipped with a CLOAKING DEVICE which makes them virtually invisible to our scanners! • There have been reports of Romulan saboteurs wreaking havoc at the outpost on Morlikon 9. (Admiral's Game only.) Be especially alert when visiting this planet...